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Wednesday, February 1, 2023.

New International Version:

“Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.”(Isaiah‬ ‭40‬:‭4‬)

New English Translation:

“Every valley must be elevated, and every mountain and hill leveled. The rough terrain will become a level plain, the rugged landscape a wide valley.”


God’s Word:

“Every valley will be raised. Every mountain and hill will be lowered. Steep places will be made level. Rough places will be made smooth.”


Easy-To-Read Version:

“Every valley must be filled. Every mountain and hill should be made flat. The crooked roads should be made straight, and the rough ground made smooth.”


Beloved, the Lord is going ahead of you this month and year to clear every hurdle from your path and give you smooth ride in Jesus name. Happy new month and welcome to your month of COMPENSATION!


Doris Olufunke Olatunji

( Ododoeye)


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