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Wednesday, August 25, 2021.

New International Version:

“They will be called the Holy People, the Redeemed of the Lord; and you will be called Sought After, the City No Longer Deserted.”(Isaiah‬ ‭62:12‬)

Easy-To-Read Version:

“His people will be called “The Holy People,” “The Saved People of the Lord.” And you, Jerusalem, will be called “The City God Wants,” “The City God Is With.”

God’s Word:

“They will be called Holy People, Those Reclaimed by the Lord, and you will be called Sought After, a City Not Deserted.”

Common English Bible:

“They will be called The Holy People, Redeemed By the LORD. And you will be called Sought After— A City That Is Not Abandoned.”

Beloved, if you have been redeemed by the Lord; redeemed from sin,death and hell through the blood of Jesus, then, this promise is for you.

You would be a city sought out and desired by God and men, you will no longer be forsaken by Him. You are sought out for greatness,every good thing,favor, promotion, upliftment, etc in Jesus name.

You will continually enjoy God’s kind protecting care and His continued smiles. Men would seek after you to honor, bless, favor and serve you, because you are the redeemed of the Lord. He will never leave, forsake or abandon you.


Doris Olufunke Olatunji

( Ododoeye)


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